Before I get started on showing you the key features, I can tell you that CollaNote is definitely one of the best free note taking apps on the App Store and is a great option if you want to try out digital note taking or don't want to invest in a paid app such as GoodNotes or Notability. With the latest update, CollaNote has added hyperlink functionality and supports landscape format documents too, so most cool digital journals / planners / notebooks that you see digital creators selling, you should be able to use on CollaNote too!
I tested out my own Chubby Buddies planner on CollaNote for this review.
As an overview, here are some notable things about the app:
Hyperlinks work and are pretty seamless, I did accidentally click on it a few times while working on the page though. However, you can turn on and off the PDF link tap.
There is a collaboration function / ability to join rooms where participants can all update the same notebook live
Has a bookmark function which allows you to add bookmarks for easy access throughout your notebook
Quite a cute home page interface design with colourful icons (though this may not be for everyone!)

A variety of paper options and some cute template designs too
Page / PDF overview, allows you to duplicate template pages
Has page numbers built into the bottom
Dark skin which changes the interface to a dark theme, also allows you to select dark mode and dynamic colours which also changes your notebook / notes into a dark theme
You can export your notes as a PDF or native .cnote file
Both landscape and portrait PDFs can be used, however for landscape, my portrait cover is compressed when I open the notebook, though it looks okay on the home screen
Continue reading for a break down of the CollaNote features:
Overall Interface / Gestures
Includes handy gestures such as : double tap two fingers to undo, double tap with three fingers to redo, double tap with 1 finger to toggle 'box editing mode', double tap apple pencil to switch between eraser and last tool

Has palm rejection - a handy feature if you're using the Apple Pencil
Can't zoom in as far as I'd like
Pen Tool
Three options - pen, pencil and highlighter
Lots of pre-built colours but also has the hue selection tool
Ability to adjust size and opacity
Lasso Tool
Selects text and images
Can choose free form or rectangle selection
A range of options pop up when selecting handwritten text: handwriting to text, duplicate, copy handwriting to clipboard, copy as image to clipboard, copy to clipboard, change colour, cut, resize
It has a handwriting to text function which is cool but doesn't work super well
If you draw the lasso tool over the image, it comes up with only 1 option to copy. However if you simply click, then select 'edit attachments' there will be options such as copy, duplicate, recognize text, layers (arrange behind or over other objects), edit (flip, crop), basic (copy, duplicate, delete)
Eraser Tool
Option to erase whole (such as whole strokes / words) or partial which is just your regular eraser tool
Only erases handwriting
Text Tool
One of the biggest downsides of this app is the text tool, it doesn't allow you to type directly onto the page. Rather, it will open an overlay window where you have to input your text first.
Allows you to type or write with the Apple Pencil which will then convert to text
In this window you can change the colour and font
Fonts are fixed, you can't import your own fonts
Once you are done typing your text it will insert it as a text box in your notes
You can edit the text by using the lasso tool and clicking the text box
Unable to format text such as adjust spacing between lines or alignment of text (only left aligned)
Army Knife / Other Tools
Laser pointer - your Apple Pencil / cursor becomes a laser pointer, it has a few styles to choose from. This would be good in one of the group rooms
Automatic shape tool - draw a rough shape (hexagon, square, triangle or circle) and it will form a neat version for you
Fill tool - fill shapes. You can change the opacity of the fill and select from their fixed palette. Two types of fill options: a normal solid fill or a multi colour splotchy fill
Curve tool - helps to neaten your curves, you can adjust the pen type, choose from the fixed colours, and change level of curviness
Ruler Tool
You can rotate the ruler to your desired angle then using the pen tool, draw straight lines that follow your ruler angle
Box Editing Mode
Automatically selects any box such as text boxes or images for quick editing
Good for when you want to select multiple things on the page
Audio Recording
Has an audio recording tool but doesn't seem to work, may have to wait for more updates
It seems to allow you to record audio and keep it in a drop down list
Insert Contents
Options for images are: Take photo, insert photo from library, paste image from clipboard.

There is no collections or ability to save photos as stickers so if you want to reuse something you will have to re-insert it from your photos
Options for text are: Insert text box (same as text tool), paste rich text, paste regular text
Scan document with camera - has an auto mode which automatically detects and scans your page or manual mode where you click the camera button. I found the auto mode a bit slow but handy especially when I was trying to keep my book open and hold the iPad up. Cleans the page a bit for clearer reading of text
Scan text with camera - converts your image into text. Auto mode didn't work for me here, seems like you have to hold it very steady and lighting has to be good. But works when I took a photo. Of course it wasn't 100% perfect, you'll have to edit the punctuation and add some letters back in.
Insert Sticker: They have some built in stickers which you can use
A downside is you cannot insert from the iCloud drive / folders
Invite others so everyone can work on the same notebook live
Also has an option to merge note with others
I didn't get to test this function but they have an example one built in when you download the app to get a sense of how the collaboration works
Page Overview
Shows thumbnails of the pages in your notebook
By clicking and holding on the page, a menu will come up with these options: insert page, duplicate page, change paper or template, move up, move down, delete
Overall it is a great, function rich app. It's hard to believe that this app is free as it really surpasses all other competition when it comes to free note taking apps that allow PDF annotation. The UI isn't super seamless and you will feel that it can be clunky at times, but overall it works well and I think as they update and fix these things it has the potential to be on par with some of the paid apps. Though right now it can't compare with the smoothness of the experience in Goodnotes.
If you want to get into the world of digital stationery and purchase cute digital notebooks and journals, then this is a great free app to try as hyperlinks work and you can also insert digital stickers (in the way of photos).