One of the greatest things about digital stationery is that you can duplicate as many pages as you need and make all the edits you want. This is why it is such a great medium for trying out new types of journaling and allowing yourself to get creative. There are many different types of journaling you can explore with digital stationery beyond planning or using it for taking notes! Below are some types of journaling you can try out with your digital note taking apps.

Traditional scrapbooking is a way of turning your memories into keepsakes and pretty albums that you can look back on. Generally you have your photos that you print out, decorative papers, stickers and clippings. It’s a lot of fun but it can get messy too! You can create the same kind of scrapbooking pages in your digital notebooks too and everything is all on your digital device. It’s a great way to get creative while being intentional in curating and collecting your memories.
How to start digital scrapbooking:
Open a new digital notebook, you can think about how you may want to organise your scrapbook. If your notebook has tabs, you could organise by year, events, countries travelled to etc.
Gather photos that you want to use for your spread and import them into your notebook. You can put as many or as little as you want, resizing and arranging is easy with digital notes
Find digital stickers you want to use on the internet (there are sites with free digital stickers!) or buy some that fit your theme from Etsy (search digital stickers). You can also use Google Images to find assets you may need (please be mindful of licensing if you’re going beyond using it for personal use)
Arrange your photos, add stickers and add in your personal notes and reflections about the memories you captured
Once you’re done, you can even export and share PDFs with family and friends,
Memory Spreads

Did you see a beautiful digital planner that you really want to have but you don’t really use planners? Or did you buy one thinking that you would use it often but find that maybe it wasn’t the solution for you? Don’t worry, you can still put that planner to use! You can use the weekly, monthly, yearly planner pages to create fun spreads that record down key moments, highlights and significant things that happened.
How to start creating memory spreads:
Use any digital planner. If you only want to create a certain type of memory spread (e.g. only monthly) you can even delete the rest of the pages to make your digital planner lighter and neater
During the week / month / year, make a list of things you may want to include in your spread. Or if you already have a calendar / schedule you use, you can just refer to this when creating your spread
Bring in photos you took, add in text about things you did and use stickers to decorate the spreads and make it look pretty
Don’t be too rigid with your spreads, just have fun and get creative with your layouts
Dream Journal

We’re never too old (or young!) to dream, and dream big. You can use this journal as a way of creating action plans, simply use it to create vision boards or to dump in things that inspire you. Doing this is such a fun way of bringing excitement to life and if it’s something you’re planning or working towards, having it on paper gives you something to look forward to.
How to start a dream journal:
Having digital notebooks with tabs can help you organise your dream journal into sections. Some things you may want to include in your dream journal are sections for travel, home, relationships, work, wardrobe, ideas etc.
If you’re unsure of where to start, choose a topic and create a vision board for it. You can do this my finding pictures that you like, adding them to the page and adding annotations about the specific images
Once you have a vision board, you may decide to just leave it there. Creating boards is always fun and it helps bring to life what is in your head. If you want to take it a step further you can create action plans
Write down specific goals you want to achieve and the steps under each one that is necessary to achieve the goal.
This could look like tasks that you need to do to get a promotion at work; or it could be shopping listings on the internet to achieve a board you created with outfits that you love
Mindfulness / Reflection Journal

Mindfulness is becoming increasingly relevant today, with people realising that mental health is important when it comes to having a happy and healthy life. Having a personal space that you can use to reflect and bring to awareness factors that make you happy, upset you or anger you is the first step to then being able to take action on improving your life. You can use any digital notebook as a mindfulness journal or space for reflection. Using blank pages, you can create gratitude logs, find mindfulness prompt questions or just put thoughts down to help you work through them. If you need something more structured, there are also mindfulness and gratitude journals that you can purchase on Etsy or other digital stationery marketplaces.
How to start a mindfulness journal:
Get a Mindfulness Journal! (You can check out some on the JB store)
If you’re using a blank notebook, some sections that you can create are:
Brain dump: A section for you to write down all your thoughts, you can then organise them into most to least important. Search for brain dump templates if you need some ideas on how to set up the page
Reflection: Take some time weekly (or whatever frequency works for you) and answer some thought provoking questions. These help you to get thinking about aspects of your life that you may not have taken the time to think about before. You can search for ‘Reflection Questions’ or ‘Mindfulness Prompts’ in Google or Pinterest
Gratitude Log: A space for you to jot down something you’re grateful for each day. This type of journaling helps you to focus on the positivity in life
Daily Diary

Remember growing up and watching those cheesy teen movies where they wrote a two page long diary entry every day? I always aspired to do that but gave up after a few days. Because really, most of us don’t have that much time and patience to write so much. But it’s definitely never too late or difficult to start a habit of writing daily. I created my 365 Journal to get me in the habit of writing about my days. What has kept me in this habit though, is the small space for each entry. This takes the pressure off of writing so much and makes it easy to keep to the habit. Creating a daily diary like this is a great way of reflecting on the day as well as having something to look back on at the end of the year or even the years to come.
You don’t need the 365 Diary like the one on the JB store though, you can use any blank notebook and create your own entries! Add stickers and photos to make it more exciting too.
Prompt Spreads

A journal prompt can be a word, phrase or a question that gives you a starting point for you to create a spread. This spread could include text, photos, images, stickers etc. It’s a great way to get creative. There are so many fun journal prompts all over the internet (check out Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook Groups, or just Google search too). Choose one that speaks to you or you think will be fun and fill your notebook pages with your prompt responses. Having a notebook dedicated to prompts makes it easy to just open it up and get creating. Of course you can always organise your spreads into different categories too.
Some journal prompts to get your started:
Cloud Days
Birthday Plans
Favourite musician
My Daily Routine
My Bucketlist
Things I believe in
People I’d like to meet
My values
What are the biggest life lessons I’ve learnt?
What would my ideal day look like?
What have you achieved that you are proud of?
What are you committed to achieving this year?